Tag: Myetherwallet

A New Bitcoin World

The Best Ethereum Wallet Review: 2024 Edition

Today, we’re talking Ethereum wallets– but not just any old hardware wallet– the best Ethereum wallets on the market. We’ll also explore a few Ethereum custody FAQs Do you want to be actively staking your ETH? Do you need a wallet that can hold several currencies or just Ethereum? There are plenty of wallets that […]

The post The Best Ethereum Wallet Review: 2024 Edition appeared first on CoinCentral.

February 10, 2024 0

How to Protect Yourself Against DNS Attacks When Using Cryptocurrency

How to Protect Yourself Against DNS Attacks When Using CryptocurrencyDNS attacks can manifest themselves in many ways, all targeted against the Domain Name System that connects the internet. At best they’re an inconvenience, knocking websites offline or preventing access, and at worst they’re costly, as this week’s $150,000 Myetherwallet hijack demonstrated. When you’re interacting in the crypto space, here are a few ways to […]

The post How to Protect Yourself Against DNS Attacks When Using Cryptocurrency appeared first on Bitcoin News.

April 26, 2018 0